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Not long ago and not far away there was a beautiful, big teddy bear who sat on a shelf
in a drug store waiting for someone to buy him and give him a home.  Material

His name was Wolstencroft. And he was no ordinary bear.

His fur was a lovely shade of light grey, and he had honey colored ears, nose and feet.
His eyes were warm and kind and he had a wonderfully wise look on his face. Material

Wolstencroft looked very smart in a brown plaid waistcoat with a gold satin bow tie
at his neck.

Attached to the tie was a tag with his name written in bold, black letters:
 He had arrived in the store just before Christmas when there had been a lovely big tree
in the window, all decorated with fairy lights. Yards and yards of sparkling tinsel had
 been draped over everything, and holiday music had been playing all the time.
 Wolstencroft was especially fond of Jingle Bells. He liked its light, tinkling sounds.
It always made him feel merry.